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Test Blog 2

Yeah uh this is a blog template

If you see this, I either messed up, OR you got lucky and found this by chance OR I am using this as a temporary substitute because I haven't written any blogs yet!
We'll see. Because you are probably dissapointed now, please go ahead and check out my games!

Anyways, since we're already here, let's try some things.

I support images, which is cool I think. I mean this is all just html so obviously duh.
Yeah I can also devide things into multiple collums. collumns, colummns clolbmnusm HOW THE HELL DO YOU WRITE THI

I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence ten times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds.
I guess this is useful for writing text next to embeds to better explain them? Yeah let's see about that.

I will now repeat this sentence four times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence four times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence four times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds. I will now repeat this sentence four times to show you how this would look would I not run out of ideas every 3 seconds.
Anyways back to our regular schedule